
Das Wort tread ist ein Fremdwort

21 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • tread v. (Intransitive) To step or walk (on or across something); to trample.
  • tread v. (Transitive) To step or walk upon.
  • tread v. (Figuratively, with certain adverbs of manner) To proceed…
  • tread v. To beat or press with the feet.
  • tread v. To work a lever, treadle, etc., with the foot or the feet.
  • tread v. To go through or accomplish by walking, dancing, etc.
  • tread v. To crush under the foot; to trample in contempt or hatred; to subdue.
  • tread v. (Intransitive) To copulate; said of (especially male) birds.
  • tread v. (Transitive, of a male bird) To copulate with.
  • tread v. (Transitive) To crush grapes with one’s feet to make wine.
  • tread n. A step taken with the foot.
  • tread n. A manner of stepping.
  • tread n. The sound made when someone or something is walking.
  • tread n. (Obsolete) A way; a track or path.
  • tread n. The horizontal part of a step in a flight of stairs.
  • tread n. The grooves carved into the face of a tire, used to give the tire traction.
  • tread n. The grooves on the bottom of a shoe or other footwear, used…
  • tread n. (Biology) The chalaza of a bird’s egg; the treadle.
  • tread n. The act of avian copulation in which the male bird mounts…
  • tread n. (Fortification) The top of the banquette, on which soldiers…
  • tread n. A bruise or abrasion produced on the foot or ankle of a horse…
14 deutsche Wörter aus den 21 Fremddefinitionen

beat egg etc. horizontal Intransitive male Obsolete press taken top track trample Transitive walk

79 Fremdwörter aus den 21 Fremddefinitionen

abrasion accomplish across act adverbs ankle avian banquette Biology bird birds bottom bruise carved certain chalaza contempt copulate copulation crush dancing especially etc face feet Figuratively flight foot footwear Fortification give go␣through grapes grooves hatred horse into lever made make manner mounts of␣a one on␣the or␣something other part path proceed produced said shoe soldiers someone something sound stairs step step␣in stepping subdue the through tire To␣go traction treadle under upon used used␣to walking way when which wine with work

Ein Wort in Wort RnL (Das Wort wurde von rechts nach links innerhalb des Wortes geschrieben. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)


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32 Anagramme mit einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gefunden (Neue Wörter mit allen Buchstaben des Wortes und einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gebildet.)

aderst aderte adrett artend darbet darbte darret darrte dartue datier datter dattre dauert dauret derart dermat- drafte drahte Drahte hadert hadret kardet radelt radlet randet ratend stader Tadler Thread Tirade Triade tue␣dar

13 Anagramme minus einen Buchstaben (Neue Wörter bildeten sich mit allen Buchstaben aus dem Wort ohne einen Buchstaben.)

ader Ader adre arte Dart date Date EDTA Rade rate Rate Tade Tera-

Ein Cousin (Neues Wort gebildet durch Ändern eines Buchstabens im Wort.)


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