
Das Wort specific ist ein Fremdwort

14 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • specific adj. Explicit or definite.
  • specific adj. (Bioscience, taxonomy) pertaining to a species, as a taxon…
  • specific adj. Special, distinctive or unique.
  • specific adj. Intended for, or applying to, a particular thing.
  • specific adj. Serving to identify a particular thing (often a disease…
  • specific adj. Being a remedy for a particular disease on a deeper level…
  • specific adj. (Immunology) limited to a particular antibody or antigen.
  • specific adj. (Physics) of a value divided by mass (e.g. specific orbital energy).
  • specific adj. (Physics) similarly referring to a value divided by any…
  • specific adj. (Physics) a measure compared with a standard reference…
  • specific n. A distinguishing attribute or quality.
  • specific n. A remedy for a specific disease or condition.
  • specific n. Specification.
  • specific n. (In the plural) The details; particulars.
1 deutsches Wort aus den 14 Fremddefinitionen


51 Fremdwörter aus den 14 Fremddefinitionen

antibody antigen any applying attribute Being Bioscience compared condition deeper definite details disease distinctive distinguishing divided energy Explicit for identify Immunology Intended level limited mass measure of␣a often particular particulars pertaining Physics plural quality reference referring remedy Serving similarly Special species specific Specification standard taxon taxonomy the thing unique value with

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