
Das Wort special ist ein Fremdwort

26 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Niederländisch —
  • special n. Publicatie of tv-programma dat aan één onderwerp is gewijd…
— Auf Englisch —
  • special adj. Distinguished by a unique or unusual quality.
  • special adj. Of particular personal interest or value; dear; beloved.
  • special adj. (Euphemistic) Of or related to disabilities, especially…
  • special adj. Constituting or relating to a species.
  • special adj. Chief in excellence.
  • special adj. (Military) Of or related to unconventional warfare.
  • special n. A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time)…
  • special n. One of a rotation of meals systematically offered for a lower…
  • special n. (Broadcasting) Unusual or exceptional episode of a series.
  • special n. (Britain, colloquial) A special constable.
  • special n. Anything that is not according to normal practice, plan…
  • special n. Any unlicensed medicine produced or obtained for a specific…
  • special n. (Journalism) A correspondent; a journalist sent to the scene…
  • special n. (Journalism) A dispatch sent back by a special correspondent.
  • special n. (Theater) A light that illuminates a specific person or thing on the stage.
  • special n. (Law) A person appointed specifically to examine a single event or issue.
  • special v. (Nursing) To supervise a patient one-on-one.
— Auf Französisch —
  • special n.m. Variante de spécial.
  • spécial adj. Qui est exclusivement destiné à quelque chose en particulier;…
  • spécial adj. Qui n’est pas commun.
  • spécial adj. (Éducation) Élevé ; poussé.
  • spécial adj. Qui sort de l’ordinaire, qui est étrange.
  • spécial n.m. (Belgique) Demi-baguette dans laquelle on met des frites…
  • spécial n.m. Envoyé spécial.
— Auf Italienisch —
  • special s. Definizione mancante; se vuoi, [special aggiungila] tu.
12 deutsche Wörter aus den 26 Fremddefinitionen

back dat des Military normal not personal plan single Theater time Variante

114 Fremdwörter aus den 26 Fremddefinitionen

aan according according␣to Any Anything appointed baguette Belgique beloved Britain Broadcasting Chief chose colloquial commun constable Constituting consumer correspondent cost dans dear Definizione Demi destiné disabilities dispatch Distinguished Éducation één Élevé en␣particulier Envoyé Envoyé␣spécial episode especially est étrange Euphemistic event examine excellence exceptional exclusivement for frites gewijd illuminates interest issue Journalism journalist laquelle Law light limited lower mancante meals medicine met Nursing obtained of␣a offered onderwerp one one␣on␣one on␣the ordinaire particular particulier pas patient person poussé practice produced programma Publicatie quality quelque quelque␣chose qui reduction related relating rotation scene sent series sort spécial special␣constable species specific specifically stage supervise systematically that that␣is the thing to␣the tv-programma unconventional unique unlicensed unusual usually value vuoi warfare

2 Suffixe (Neue Wörter gefunden, indem Sie einen oder mehrere Buchstaben am Ende des Wortes hinzufügen.)

Special␣Agent Special␣Agents

Ein Wort in Wort (Wort gefunden, wie es im Wort ist. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)


3 Wörter im Wort RnL (Gefundene Wörter von rechts nach links, innerhalb des Wortes. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)


Ein Anagramm minus einem Buchstaben (Neues Wort gebildet mit den Buchstaben des Wortes minus einem Buchstaben des Wortes.)


Ein Cousin (Neues Wort gebildet durch Ändern eines Buchstabens im Wort.)


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