Das Wort ist ein Fremdwort21 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)- running v. Present participle of run.
- running adj. Moving or advancing at a run.
- running adj. Present, current.
- running adj. Flowing; easy; cursive.
- running adj. Continuous; ongoing; keeping along step by step.
- running adj. Having a continuous design or pattern.
- running adj. Consecutive (much more commonly expressed by an adverb; see below).
- running adj. (Botany) Extending by a slender climbing or trailing stem.
- running adj. (Medicine) Discharging pus.
- running adj. (Medicine, of a nose) Discharging snot or mucus.
- running adv. (Informal) Consecutively; in a row.
- running n. The action of the verb to run.
- running n. The activity of running as a form of exercise, as a sport…
- running n. That which runs or flows; the quantity of a liquid which…
- running n. The discharge from an ulcer or other sore.
- running n. (Colloquial) The act of running errands.
- running prep. (Colloquial) Approaching; about; roughly. (Can we add…
- Running prop.n. A surname.
- running n.m. (Course à pied) Course à pied axée sur la recherche de…
- running n.m. (Canada) Chaussure de sport.
- running n.f. Chaussure pour la course à pied.
4 deutsche Wörter aus den 21 Fremddefinitionendesign form sport sur 80 Fremdwörter aus den 21 Fremddefinitionenabout act action activity add advancing adverb along à␣pied Approaching at␣a␣run axée below Botany Can Canada Chaussure climbing Colloquial commonly Consecutive Consecutively continuous course course␣à␣pied current cursive discharge Discharging easy errands exercise expressed Extending Flowing flows from Having in␣a␣row Informal keeping liquid Medicine more Moving much mucus nose of␣a ongoing other participle pattern pied pour Present Present␣participle pus quantity recherche roughly row run running running␣errands runs see slender snot sore stem step step␣by␣step surname That the trailing ulcer verb which 4 Suffixe (Neue Wörter gefunden, indem Sie einen oder mehrere Buchstaben am Ende des Wortes hinzufügen.)Running␣Gag Running␣Back Running␣Gags Running␣Backs 3 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)Ing -ing Ing. 3 Wörter im Wort RnL (Gefundene Wörter von rechts nach links, innerhalb des Wortes. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)Inn inn. nur Ein Anagramm mit einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gefunden (Neues Wort mit allen Buchstaben aus dem Wort und einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gebildet.)Urningen Ein Anagramm minus einem Buchstaben (Neues Wort gebildet mit den Buchstaben des Wortes minus einem Buchstaben des Wortes.)Urning
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