
Das Wort low ist ein Fremdwort

44 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • low adj. Situated close to, or even below, the ground or another…
  • low adj. Of less than normal height or upward extent or growth…
  • low adj. Not high in status, esteem, or rank, dignity, or quality…
  • low adj. Humble, meek, not haughty.
  • low adj. Disparaging; assigning little value or excellence.
  • low adj. Being a nadir, a bottom.
  • low adj. Depressed in mood, dejected, sad.
  • low adj. Lacking health or vitality, strength or vivacity; feeble; weak.
  • low adj. Dead. (Compare lay low.)
  • low adj. Small, not high (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).
  • low adj. (Especially in biology) Simple in complexity or development.
  • low adj. (Chiefly in several set phrases) Favoring simplicity (see…
  • low adj. (In several set phrases) Being near the equator.
  • low adj. (Acoustics) Grave in pitch, due to being produced by relatively…
  • low adj. Quiet; soft; not loud.
  • low adj. (Phonetics) Made with a relatively large opening between…
  • low adj. (Card games) Lesser in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc.
  • low adj. (Now rare) Not rich or seasoned; offering the minimum of…
  • low adj. (Of an automobile, gear, etc) Designed for a slow (or the slowest) speed.
  • low n. A low point or position, literally (as, a depth) or or figuratively…
  • low n. A period of depression; a depressed mood or situation.
  • low n. (Meteorology, informal) An area of low pressure; a depression.
  • low n. The lowest-speed gearing of a power-transmission system…
  • low n. (Card games) The lowest trump, usually the deuce; the lowest…
  • low n. (Slang, usually accompanied by "the") A cheap, cost-efficient…
  • low adv. Close to the ground.
  • low adv. Of a pitch, at a lower frequency.
  • low adv. With a low voice or sound; not loudly; gently.
  • low adv. Under the usual price; at a moderate price; cheaply.
  • low adv. In a low mean condition; humbly; meanly.
  • low adv. In a time approaching our own.
  • low adv. (Astronomy) In a path near the equator, so that the declination…
  • low v. (Obsolete, transitive) To lower; to make low.
  • low v. (Obsolete) simple past of laugh.
  • low v. (Intransitive) To moo.
  • low n. (Countable, UK, Scotland, dialect) A flame; fire; blaze.
  • low v. (UK, Scotland, dialect) To burn; to blaze.
  • low n. (Archaic or obsolete) Barrow, mound, tumulus.
  • low n. (Scottish dialectal, archaic) A hill.
  • Low prop.n. A surname.
  • LOW n. (Military) Acronym of launch on warning.
  • 'low v. (US, UK, dialectal or colloquial) To allow; to acknowledge or admit.
  • low% n. (Video games) A category in speedrunning that pertains to…
— Auf Französisch —
  • Low n.prop. (Géographie) Municipalité de canton canadienne du Québec…
21 deutsche Wörter aus den 44 Fremddefinitionen

automobile etc. Grave high Intransitive Made Military moderate normal not obsolete power Québec rank rare simple Slang Small time transitive Video

183 Fremdwörter aus den 44 Fremddefinitionen

accompanied acknowledge Acoustics Acronym admit allow amount another approaching archaic area assigning Astronomy Barrow being below between biology blaze bottom burn canadienne canton Card Card␣games cards category cheap cheaply Chiefly close close␣to colloquial Compare complexity condition cost cost-efficient Countable Dead declination dejected denominations depressed depression depth Designed deuce development dialect dialectal dignity Disparaging due due␣to efficient energy equator Especially esteem etc even excellence extent Favoring feeble figuratively fire flame for force frequency games gear gearing gently Géographie ground growth haughty health height hill Humble humbly informal Lacking large laugh launch lay lay␣low less Lesser less␣than literally little loud loudly low lower lowest make mean meanly meek Meteorology minimum moo mood mound Municipalité nadir near Now of␣a Of␣an offering opening other our own past path period pertains Phonetics phrases pitch point position pressure price produced quality quantity Quiet relatively rich sad Scotland Scottish seasoned see set set␣phrases several simple␣past simplicity Situated situation slow slowest soft so␣that sound speed speedrunning status strength suits surname system than that the To␣burn to␣the transmission trump tumulus Under upward usual usually value Video␣games vitality vivacity voice warning weak with

7 Suffixe (Neue Wörter gefunden, indem Sie einen oder mehrere Buchstaben am Ende des Wortes hinzufügen.)

Lowtech Lowlands Lower␣Hutt Lower␣Hutts Low-Cost-Carrier Low-Cost-Carriern Low-Cost-Carriers

191 mal in der mitte (Neue Wörter wurden durch Hinzufügen von Buchstaben vor und am Ende des Wortes gefunden.)

Clown Flows Clowns slowak. slowen. Blowjob Carlows Clownin Fellows Klowand Marlows Seelows Slowake Slowene Blowjobs clownesk Follower Kilowatt Klowände Slowakei Slowaken Slowakin Slowenen Slowenin Slow␣Food Slowinze Bungalows Cashflows Clownerie clowneske clownisch Followern Followers Gericlown Halloween Kilowatts Klowänden Overflows Slowenien Slow␣Foods Slowinzen Torgelows Workflows Clownerien clowneskem clownesken clownesker clowneskes Clownfisch Clowninnen +141 wörter

13 Präfixe (Neue Wörter wurden durch Hinzufügen eines oder mehrerer Buchstaben vor dem Wort gefunden.)

Flow slow. Carlow Fellow Marlow Seelow Bungalow Cashflow Overflow Torgelow Workflow Marshmallow Winkelbungalow

6 Anagramme mit einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gefunden (Neue Wörter mit allen Buchstaben des Wortes und einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gebildet.)

Flow Lwow slow. wohl Wohl Wolf

5 Anagramme minus einen Buchstaben (Neue Wörter bildeten sich mit allen Buchstaben aus dem Wort ohne einen Buchstaben.)

LW -ol -ow w.␣L. wo

19 Cousins (Neue Wörter gebildet durch Ändern eines Buchstabens im Wort.)

Lew Lkw LKW lob Lob log Log -log log- loh Lok lol LOL los Los -los lot Lot wow

2 Lipogramme (Neue Wörter wurden gefunden, wenn nur ein Buchstabe entfernt wurde.)

LW -ow

Ein Epenthesis (Neues Wort gefunden, wenn nur ein Buchstabe hinzugefügt wird.)


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