
Das Wort grantcounty ist ein Fremdwort

14 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 75 counties in Arkansas, United States. County seat: Sheridan.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 92 counties in Indiana, United States. County seat: Marion.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 105 counties in Kansas, United States. County seat: Ulysses.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 120 counties in Kentucky, United States. County…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 87 counties in Minnesota, United States. County…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 93 counties in Nebraska, United States. County seat: Hyannis.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 33 counties in New Mexico, United States. County…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 53 counties in North Dakota, United States. County…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 77 counties in Oklahoma, United States. County seat: Medford.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 36 counties in Oregon, United States. County seat: Canyon City.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 66 counties in South Dakota, United States. County…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 39 counties in Washington, United States. County seat: Ephrata.
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 55 counties in West Virginia, United States…
  • Grant␣County prop.n. One of 72 counties in Wisconsin, United States. County…
20 deutsche Wörter aus den 14 Fremddefinitionen

Arkansas Canyon City County Indiana Kansas Kentucky Marion Minnesota Nebraska New␣Mexico North␣Dakota Oklahoma Oregon South␣Dakota Virginia Washington West West␣Virginia Wisconsin

18 Fremdwörter aus den 14 Fremddefinitionen

Canyon␣City counties County␣seat Dakota Ephrata Hyannis Medford Mexico New North One seat Sheridan South States Ulysses United United␣States

8 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

-ant ant- Count County Gran Grant ran RAN

3 Wörter im Wort RnL (Gefundene Wörter von rechts nach links, innerhalb des Wortes. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

arg Arg arg.

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