
Das Wort function ist ein Fremdwort

13 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • function n. What something does or is used for.
  • function n. A professional or official position.
  • function n. An official or social occasion.
  • function n. Something which is dependent on or stems from another thing;…
  • function n. A relation where one thing is dependent on another for its…
  • function n. (Mathematics) A relation in which each element of the domain…
  • function n. (Computing) A routine that receives zero or more arguments…
  • function n. (Biology) The physiological activity of an organ or body part.
  • function n. (Chemistry) The characteristic behavior of a chemical compound.
  • function n. (Anthropology) The role of a social practice in the continued…
  • function n. (Slang) A party.
  • function v. (Intransitive) To have a function.
  • function v. (Intransitive) To carry out a function; to be in action.
3 deutsche Wörter aus den 13 Fremddefinitionen

Intransitive out Slang

59 Fremdwörter aus den 13 Fremddefinitionen

action activity another Anthropology arguments behavior Biology body body␣part carry carry␣out characteristic chemical chemical␣compound Chemistry compound Computing continued dependent does domain each element for from function have in␣action its Mathematics more occasion of␣a of␣an official one organ part party physiological position practice professional receives relation role routine social something stems that the thing thing␣is used What where which zero

3 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

Ion -ion -tion

Ein Cousin (Neues Wort gebildet durch Ändern eines Buchstabens im Wort.)


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