
Das Wort depth ist ein Fremdwort

13 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • depth n. The vertical distance below a surface; the degree to which…
  • depth n. The distance between the front and the back, as the depth…
  • depth n. (Figuratively) the intensity, complexity, strength, seriousness…
  • depth n. Lowness.
  • depth n. (Computing, colors) the total palette of available colors.
  • depth n. (Art, photography) the property of appearing three-dimensional.
  • depth n. (Literary, usually in the plural) the deepest part (usually…
  • depth n. (Literary, usually in the plural) a very remote part.
  • depth n. The most severe part.
  • depth n. (Logic) the number of simple elements which an abstract conception…
  • depth n. (Horology) a pair of toothed wheels which work together.
  • depth n. (Aeronautics) the perpendicular distance from the chord to…
  • depth n. (Statistics) the lower of the two ranks of a value in an…
6 deutsche Wörter aus den 13 Fremddefinitionen

Art back dimensional front simple total

56 Fremdwörter aus den 13 Fremddefinitionen

abstract Aeronautics and appearing available below between chord colors complexity Computing conception deepest degree depth distance elements Figuratively from Horology intensity Literary Logic lower Lowness most number of␣a pair palette part perpendicular photography plural property ranks remote seriousness severe Statistics strength surface the three three-dimensional together toothed two usually value vertical very wheels which work work␣together

Ein Anagramm minus einem Buchstaben (Neues Wort gebildet mit den Buchstaben des Wortes minus einem Buchstaben des Wortes.)


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