
Das Wort cymric ist ein Fremdwort

7 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • Cymric prop.n. (Rare) Synonym of Welsh, the language of the Welsh people.
  • Cymric n. A breed of domestic cat, developed in Canada, principally…
  • Cymric n. A cat of this breed.
  • Cymric n. (Rare) Synonym of Walian: a Welsh person, a Welshman or Welshwoman.
  • Cymric adj. Synonym of Welsh: of or related to Wales, the Welsh people…
  • Cymric adj. Of or related to Cymric cats.
— Auf Französisch —
  • cymric n.m. (Zootechnie) Variante de cimrique (race de chat).
4 deutsche Wörter aus den 7 Fremddefinitionen

Rare Synonym Variante Wales

23 Fremdwörter aus den 7 Fremddefinitionen

breed Canada cat cats chat cimrique Cymric developed domestic domestic␣cat language people person principally race related the this Walian Welsh Welshman Welshwoman Zootechnie

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