
Das Wort crab ist ein Fremdwort

32 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • crab n. A crustacean of the infraorder Brachyura, having five pairs…
  • crab n. (Uncountable) The meat of this crustacean, served as food; crabmeat.
  • crab n. A bad-tempered person.
  • crab n. (In plural crabs, informal) An infestation of pubic lice (Pthirus pubis).
  • crab n. (Uncountable, aviation) The angle by which an aircraft’s…
  • crab n. (Uncountable, aviation) The state of an aircraft’s nose being…
  • crab n. (Slang) A playing card with the rank of three.
  • crab n. (Rowing) A position in rowing where the oar is pushed under…
  • crab n. A defect in an outwardly normal object that may render it…
  • crab n. (Dated) An unsold book that is returned to the publisher.
  • crab v. (Intransitive) To fish for crabs.
  • crab v. (Transitive, US, slang) To ruin.
  • crab v. (Intransitive) To complain.
  • crab v. (Transitive) To complain about.
  • crab v. (Intransitive) To drift or move sideways or to leeward (by…
  • crab v. To move in a manner that involves keeping low and clinging to surfaces.
  • crab v. (Transitive, aviation) To navigate (an aircraft, e.g. a glider)…
  • crab v. (Transitive, film, television) To move (a camera) sideways.
  • crab v. (Obsolete, World War I), to fly slightly off the straight-line…
  • crab v. (Rare) To back out of something.
  • crab n. The crab apple or wild apple.
  • crab n. The tree bearing crab apples, which has a dogbane-like bitter…
  • crab n. A cudgel made of the wood of the crab tree; a crabstick.
  • crab n. A movable winch or windlass with powerful gearing, used with derricks, etc.
  • crab n. A form of windlass, or geared capstan, for hauling ships into dock, etc.
  • crab n. A machine used in ropewalks to stretch the yarn.
  • crab n. A claw for anchoring a portable machine.
  • crab v. (Obsolete) To irritate, make surly or sour.
  • crab v. To be ill-tempered; to complain or find fault.
  • crab v. (British dialect) To cudgel or beat, as with a crabstick.
  • crab n. The tree species Carapa guianensis, native to South America.
  • crab n. (Informal) Short for carabiner.
28 deutsche Wörter aus den 32 Fremddefinitionen

angle back bad beat bitter dock drift etc. fault film find form Intransitive like native normal Obsolete off out portable rank Rare render Short Slang Transitive War wild

139 Fremdwörter aus den 32 Fremddefinitionen

about aircraft America anchoring and apple apples aviation back␣out bad-tempered bearing being book British camera capstan carabiner Carapa card claw clinging clinging␣to complain crab crab␣apple crab␣apples crabmeat crabs crabstick crab␣tree crustacean cudgel Dated defect derricks dialect dogbane etc find␣fault fish five fly food for geared gearing glider has hauling having ill ill-tempered in␣a␣manner infestation informal infraorder into involves irritate keeping leeward lice line low machine made made␣of make manner may meat movable move move␣in move␣sideways navigate nose oar object of␣an out␣of outwardly pairs person playing playing␣card plural position powerful pubic pubic␣lice pubis publisher pushed pushed␣under returned ropewalks rowing ruin served ships Short␣for sideways slang slightly something sour South South␣America species state straight straight␣line stretch surfaces surly television tempered that that␣is the this three to␣the tree Uncountable under unsold used where which winch windlass with wood World World␣War World␣War␣I yarn

3 mal in der mitte (Neue Wörter wurden durch Hinzufügen von Buchstaben vor und am Ende des Wortes gefunden.)

Scrabble Scrabbles Vespa␣crabro

3 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

Rab RAB Rab.

5 Wörter im Wort RnL (Gefundene Wörter von rechts nach links, innerhalb des Wortes. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

bar Bar BAR -bar bar-

2 Anagramme (Neue Wörter gefunden, indem die Reihenfolge de Buchstaben geändert wird.)

Brač carb-

3 Anagramme mit einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gefunden (Neue Wörter mit allen Buchstaben des Wortes und einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gebildet.)

brach Brack CORBA

18 Anagramme minus einen Buchstaben (Neue Wörter bildeten sich mit allen Buchstaben aus dem Wort ohne einen Buchstaben.)

Abc ABC abr. Abr. acr- ARB bar Bar BAR -bar bar- BRA Cab CAB Rab RAB Rab. RBA

5 Cousins (Neue Wörter gebildet durch Ändern eines Buchstabens im Wort.)

arab. grab Grab trab Trab

5 Lipogramme (Neue Wörter wurden gefunden, wenn nur ein Buchstabe entfernt wurde.)

Cab CAB Rab RAB Rab.

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