
Das Wort clough ist ein Fremdwort

9 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • clough n. (Northern England, US) A narrow valley; a cleft in a hillside;…
  • clough n. A sluice used in returning water to a channel after depositing…
  • clough n. (Dialectal) The cleft or fork of a tree; crotch.
  • clough n. (Dialectal) A wood; weald.
  • clough n. (Historical) Alternative form of cloff (“allowance of two…
  • Clough prop.n. A surname transferred from the common noun.
  • Clough prop.n. A village and townland in County Down, Northern Ireland.
  • Clough prop.n. A village in County Laois, Ireland.
  • Clough prop.n. An extinct town in Meade County, South Dakota, United States.
6 deutsche Wörter aus den 9 Fremddefinitionen

Alternative County Down England form South␣Dakota

45 Fremdwörter aus den 9 Fremddefinitionen

after allowance and channel cleft cloff common common␣noun crotch Dakota depositing Dialectal extinct fork from hillside Historical Ireland Laois Meade Meade␣County narrow Northern Northern␣Ireland noun of␣a returning sluice South States surname the town townland transferred tree two United United␣States used valley village water weald wood

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