
Das Wort bleed ist ein Fremdwort

20 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • bleed v. (Intransitive, of a person, animal or body part) To lose…
  • bleed v. (Transitive) To let or draw blood from.
  • bleed v. (Transitive) To take large amounts of money from.
  • bleed v. (Transitive) To steadily lose (something vital).
  • bleed v. (Intransitive, of an ink or dye) To spread from the intended…
  • bleed v. (Transitive) To remove air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
  • bleed v. (Transitive) To tap off high-pressure gas (usually air) from…
  • bleed v. (Obsolete, transitive) To bleed on; to make bloody.
  • bleed v. (Intransitive, copulative) To show one’s group loyalty by…
  • bleed v. To lose sap, gum, or juice.
  • bleed v. To issue forth, or drop, like blood from an incision.
  • bleed v. (Phonology, transitive, of a phonological rule) To destroy…
  • bleed v. (Publishing, advertising, transitive, intransitive) To (cause…
  • bleed v. (Finance, intransitive) To lose money.
  • bleed n. An incident of bleeding, as in haemophilia.
  • bleed n. (Aviation, usually in the plural) A system for tapping hot…
  • bleed n. (Printing) A narrow edge around a page layout, to be printed…
  • bleed n. (Sound recording) The situation where sound is picked up…
  • bleed n. The removal of air bubbles from a pipe containing other fluids.
  • bleed n. (Uncountable, role-playing games) The phenomenon of in-character…
13 deutsche Wörter aus den 20 Fremddefinitionen

gas high intransitive layout like lose Obsolete off Sound take tap transitive vital

89 Fremdwörter aus den 20 Fremddefinitionen

advertising air air␣bubbles amounts animal around as␣in Aviation bleed bleeding blood bloody body body␣part bubbles cause character containing copulative destroy draw draw␣blood drop dye edge Finance fluids for forth from games group gum haemophilia high-pressure hot in␣character incident incision ink intended issue juice large let loyalty make money narrow of␣a of␣an one other page part person phenomenon phonological Phonology picked picked␣up pipe playing plural pressure printed Printing Publishing recording removal remove role role-playing role␣playing␣games rule sap show situation something sound spread steadily system tapping the To␣let Uncountable usually where

Ein Wort in Wort (Wort gefunden, wie es im Wort ist. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)


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8 Anagramme mit einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gefunden (Neue Wörter mit allen Buchstaben des Wortes und einem zusätzlichen Buchstaben gebildet.)

Abdeel belade belüde blende Blende debile dübele lebend

7 Anagramme minus einen Buchstaben (Neue Wörter bildeten sich mit allen Buchstaben aus dem Wort ohne einen Buchstaben.)

Bede Ebel edel edle Elbe Elde lebe

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  • Besuchen Sie 1Wort.com - das Wort BLEED ist kein gültiges Scrabble-Wort.

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