
Das Wort background ist ein Fremdwort

20 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Niederländisch —
  • background n. Wat iemand in het verleden heeft gedaan en misdaan.
— Auf Englisch —
  • background adj. Less important or less noticeable in a scene or system.
  • background n. One’s social heritage, or previous life; what one did in the past.
  • background n. A part of the picture that depicts scenery to the rear or…
  • background n. Information relevant to the current situation about past events; history.
  • background n. A less important feature of scenery (as opposed to foreground).
  • background n. (Computing) The image or color over which a computer’s desktop…
  • background n. (Computing) A type of activity on a computer that is not…
  • background n. (Physics) Clipping of background radiation.
  • background v. To put in a position that is not prominent.
  • background v. (Journalism) To gather and provide background information (on).
  • background v. Simple past tense and past participle of backgrind.
  • back␣ground n. Obsolete form of background.
— Auf Französisch —
  • background n.m. (Canada) (Anglicisme) Contexte.
  • background n.m. (Canada) (Anglicisme) Arrière-plan.
  • background n.m. (Informatique) Structure préexistante avant un nouveau…
— Auf Italienisch —
  • background s. (Forestierismo) sfondo, retroscena di un avvenimento: complesso…
  • background s. (Forestierismo) in riferimento a una persona, retroterra.
  • background s. (Per estensione) insieme di virtù, attributi, doti e qualità…
  • background s. (Forestierismo) (informatica) modalità di esecuzione di un…
11 deutsche Wörter aus den 20 Fremddefinitionen

form Information not Obsolete Per plan prominent relevant Simple type Wat

95 Fremdwörter aus den 20 Fremddefinitionen

about activity and Anglicisme Arrière Arrière-plan as␣opposed␣to attributi avant avvenimento backgrind background background␣radiation Canada Clipping color complesso computer Computing Contexte current depicts desktop did did␣in doti esecuzione estensione events feature foreground Forestierismo gather gedaan heeft heritage het history iemand image important informatica information Informatique insieme in␣the␣past Journalism less life misdaan modalità noticeable nouveau one opposed over part participle past past␣participle past␣tense Per␣estensione persona Physics picture position préexistante previous provide put put␣in qualità radiation rear retroscena retroterra riferimento scene scenery sfondo Simple␣past situation social Structure system tense that that␣is the to␣the una verleden virtù what which

4 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

back Back Kgr. und

3 Wörter im Wort RnL (Gefundene Wörter von rechts nach links, innerhalb des Wortes. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

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