
Das Wort advice ist ein Fremdwort

10 kurze Auszüge aus Wiktionary (Dit is een meertalig en vrij woordenboek waaraan iedereen kan meehelpen.)

— Auf Englisch —
  • advice n. (Uncountable) An opinion offered to guide behavior in an…
  • advice n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Deliberate consideration; knowledge.
  • advice n. (Archaic, commonly in plural) Information or news given; intelligence.
  • advice n. (Countable) In language about financial transactions executed…
  • advice n. (Uncountable) In commercial language, information communicated…
  • advice n. (Countable, law) A communication providing information, such…
  • advice n. (Uncountable, law) Counseling to perform a specific legal act.
  • advice n. (Uncountable, law) Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.
  • advice n. (Countable, programming) In aspect-oriented programming…
  • advice v. Misspelling of advise.
6 deutsche Wörter aus den 10 Fremddefinitionen

illegal Information legal obsolete perform such

35 Fremdwörter aus den 10 Fremddefinitionen

about act advise Archaic aspect aspect-oriented behavior commercial commonly communicated communication consideration Counseling Countable Deliberate executed financial given guide information intelligence knowledge language law Misspelling news offered opinion oriented plural programming providing specific transactions Uncountable

4 Wörter im Wort (Wörter gefunden, die sich innerhalb des Wortes befinden. Mindestlänge 3 Buchstaben.)

ADV adv. Adv. ICE

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